How a Harrisburg filmmaker documented our summer of unrest is the topic for today’s “Live on With Joyce Davis”

Josiah Farnsworth knows he’s living through historic times. As a digital film maker, he’s documented how people in Central Pennsylvania have survived the summer of 2020 and how they have responded to the challenges of police shootings, racial unrest and COVID-19.

Farnsworth, a Harrisburg film producer, will talk about his project “The Unscripted Series” at 2 p.m. Thursday during “Live On with Joyce Davis” on PennLive’s Facebook page.

Hank Johnson, pastor at Harrisburg Brethren in Christ Church and Kimeka Campbell, PhD, co-founder of Harrisburg Young Professionals of Color, will talk about their role in the project and the reactions they shared with Farnsworth as part of his efforts to document the experiences of people in our region during this summer of unrest.

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