Families are facing a food crisis; soon Pennsylvania’s food banks will, too

in People

Christina, a single mom of two kids under the age of six, was laid off from her job at a medical practice soon after the coronavirus outbreak started. A month into the lay-off, the Cumberland County resident no longer had any money left in her savings and was still navigating the unemployment process.

Christina is just one of the numerous people – many for the first time – who receives help from the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank, a member of Feeding Pennsylvania, with putting food on the table during these hard times.

Since early spring, Feeding Pennsylvania’s member food banks, along with the rest of the Feeding America nationwide network of 200 banks, have been at the frontlines of providing food assistance to help people like Christina weather unimaginable conditions: the largest U.S. public health crisis in a century, staggering unemployment numbers, and a 50-year high for grocery prices. While Gov. Wolf and the General Assembly stepped up to help fill the need this past summer by providing a much-needed influx of $25 million to our state food assistance programs, more help will be needed.
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